Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What is Microservice Architecture?

What is Microservice Architecture?

Microservice architecture or Microservices is used for present software development. This is used for creating applications for cross range of platforms, devices like mobiles and wearable.
Difference between Monolithic Architecture and Microservices:

The difference between monolithic architecture and microservices architecture can be understood by comparing the two. Monolithic is single autonomous unit or client-server model. In monolithic server-side application, HTTP request is executed to retrieve/update data in underlying database. While using monolithic architecture, any change requires build and deployment as fresh version. The advantage of microservices is a specific component can be changed and deployed without disturbing the software.
A few years ago, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) was commonly used. However, microservice architecture (MSA) though similar is better. SOA depends on ESBs. It gives importance to programming and uses a huge relational database. Whereas, microservices use faster messaging mechanisms, approachable programming styles, use conventional NoSQL or micro-SQL databases.
Benefits of Microservices:
Any software built using microservices can be divided to multiple components services that are deployed. None of them require to be integrated.  Software engineer very conveniently can tweak and redeploy. Basis of microservices is business capabilities and priorities. Microservices uses cross-functional teams. The individual teams make the product that communicates through message bus. The cross teams write and build codes for the product they own. There is no outside client. Both Microservices and UNIX system are same. They receive requests, process them, and generate response accordingly.  Microservices have smart endpoints that process info and apply logic.
Special Features:
Microservices work across technologies and platforms. It resembles the decentralised governance. The developers produce useful tools that can be used by others to solve same problems. Netflix services have about 30{837330d4a8ef7eefea6ad76a2e6c839eeae477cba1366427bd0e21e978eaa9aa} of traffic on the web. The company encourages developers to use good code libraries. Similar to decentralized governance, microservice architecture favours decentralized data management.
Netflix services encourage developers to use good code libraries. This is like the decentralized governance of microservice architecture that favours decentralized data management. Also, Microservices can deal with failure. Many unique and diverse services communicate with each other. There could be failures. Unfortunately, this feature is complex in microservices.
Companies using Microservices
Microservices have undergone digital changes for better dynamic software. Users realise the importance of scalability, adaptability, modularity, and quick accessibility and cloud-based applications.  These reasons have caused many Companies to shift to microservices. Some of the well known Companies are eBay, Amazon,, Twitter and PayPal and more.
Microservices would be the preferred style of developing in IT future.

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